Prices And Payment
The payment will take place during the check-out at the hotel. There is only one type of ticket which gets you everything you need: A hotel room from Thursday to Saturday. Breakfast on Friday and Saturday and also dinner on Thursday and Friday. Plus, of course, access to the conference itself ;)
- Single Room Ticket (Thu-Sat Evening): 327€
BusConf is a non-profit event, this money is used only for covering hotel costs, i.e. the room you are staying at and the conference rooms.
Ticket Cancellation
The venue requires us to commit to a certain amout of rooms, of course all reserved rooms must actually be paid. Therefore the following cancellation fees apply which we have to pass on to all participants:
- up to 4 weeks before: 20% (62,20€)
- up to 2 weeks before: 50% (155,50€)
- up to 3 days before: 80% (248,80€)
- after that: 90% (279,90€)
Questions: If you have any further questions about your stay don't hesitate to contact us via twitter.